Monday, March 4, 2024

Gregorian Chants

 You know how they say that music can help us through dark times, bring us so many different emotions and even make us feel like we are traveling to another world.

Now we can get these feelings through all kinds of amazing music, whether it be heavy metal, rock, pop, r'n'b, rap, hip-hop, country, blues, you name it, it does it. But there are also plenty of music out there that not many people mention them. And one of those I really enjoy listening to is called a Gregorian Chant.

Singing has always been apart of church worshiping since the early days of Christianity. What I find beautiful about them are you can sing them with or without music being played.

Just something about Gregorian Chants have always been magical to me. They have always been one of my go to music to listen to when I feel the need to relax and stay calm. Hearing the beauty of the melodies just teleports me to another world. Its like I am in the presence of angels and reminds me that God is always there no matter what happens.

I mainly hear the chants from Roman Catholic churches. But a fun fact about the Gregorian Chants is that they are sung in Latin. I never knew until I learned about them. Which makes sense as I have always wondered what people were saying throughout each chant.

I also love watching monks sing them in their robes while walking around the cathedral. It feels even better when it is completely dark and the only light you see is with the candles.

It just makes everything seem so peaceful. Like nothing bad can ever exist and no harm will come to you. To be honest I think we all can use something like that in our lives.

So if you ever need something to help you relax or just want to feel God's Presence around you, listen to Gregorian Chants. You will not be disappointed.

God Bless and Be Safe Everybody 🙏🙏🙏

Love You All 

Gregorian Chants

 You know how they say that music can help us through dark times, bring us so many different emotions and even make us feel like we are trav...