Saturday, January 16, 2021

The Lesser Lights of Heaven

 Recently I got to enjoy a music documentary about a metalcore band called Zao. The documentary is called The Lesser Lights of Heaven. It was originally released in 2005 and it was about the history of the band up to that point of the band’s career.

According to the band, the original lead singer Eric Reeder was given credit for naming the band. For those who don’t know what Zao means, it is Greek for “alive” or “to have life”.

The band’s mission was to create a Christ centered hardcore mainly to help with people who they believed were forced away by organized churches. Which sadly, I can relate to having dealt with it myself.

Though I will say I haven’t really dealt with a lot of the judgemental attitude now that I’m older compared to my younger days. But at the same time I still feel that there are a lot of these so called “Christians” who try to tell us that a lot of this music is evil and will lead us down a dark path despite some of these bands talking about how God has helped them as well as the lyrics to each of their respective songs.

One of the other things that I wish people in general would understand is that being a believer in the metal, hardcore, rock scene can be tough because it’s bad enough that people think we are doing something evil when we are not. But non-believers think we’re trying to force our beliefs down people’s throats when in reality we just want to listen to some amazing music.

Now, on the flip side to all that, I do get annoyed by people who do try to force things down other people’s throats because I do not believe that Jesus would be doing that. I am a firm believer that Jesus was a teaching and we must learn, love and understand one another in order to move forward.

In the documentary, current lead singer Dan Weyandt really hit one home for me emotionally when he talked about how he wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for having God in his life. I can totally relate to that. 

There have been plenty of times where I thought my life was over and that there was no hope for me and I must admit I still struggle with that at times. But nonetheless I have been able to survive all those terrible thoughts through God. I know I can not take credit for it because there have been times where I felt some kind presence surrounding me and a way of comforting and protecting me.

I also love how Dan would make every single one of his songs have a heartfelt message to them and he did not sugarcoat anything and was not afraid to talk about issues that a lot of Christians are afraid to talk about. Which in my humble opinion is a constant mistake by some churches that sadly push people away from God.

Though I understand at this point in their careers in 2021 that Zao does not consider themselves a Christian band. I really do enjoy their music and I pray that they continue to push forward and wish them nothing but the best for them.

If you are a major fan of metal or hardcore, this documentary is for you. It is called Zao, The Lesser Lights of Heaven. This documentary is all over Youtube. Check it out. And if you want to check out anything Zao check their site down below.

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