Sunday, February 25, 2024

Jelly Roll

 Recently there has been a new artist that has really caught my eye and his name is Jelly Roll. He is a rapper/country music singer.

To be perfectly honest with all of you, I thought Jelly Roll was a brand new artist, but as I was doing some research for this blog post, I discovered that he has been at it since the early 2000s. As his first mixtape came out all the back in 2003. In fact, his first studio album wasn't until 2011. Talk about keep working at it.

The first time I had ever heard from Jelly Roll was back in 2021 when he came out with the Ballads of The Broken Album. And the song that caught my attention was the song called Dead Man Walking, which is still one of my favorite songs to listen to today.

He has also had a few more songs that I have really enjoyed such as Even Angels Cry, Son of A Sinner, Need A Favor and Save Me.

His music has really spoken to me, it really brought me hope that no matter how dark the world made seem to be, that there is always hope.

I also find it very interesting how he was able to turn his life around and now uses it to help other people who are out there struggling with anything in life and it is truly amazing what he has done.

Jelly Roll has gotten to perform in some incredible places like the Grand Ole Opry and had won the New Artist of the year award during the 57th Annual Country Music Association Awards.   

I continue to pray for Jelly Roll as he continues his music career and thank him for inspiring me to keep pushing forward and follow my dreams.

I also wish him well in his quest to end the use of fentanyl and other drug problems.

God Bless you Jelly Roll and I really insist on more people checking out his music.

God Bless and Be Safe everybody! 🙏🙏🙏

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